5 Steps to a Perfect Overnight Trip in Steamboat Springs

Strawberry Hot Springs

Summertime was burning a hole in our pockets. Trudi and I had a free night and didn’t want to waste it. Steamboat Springs, Colorado sounded like the perfect place to go camping, but it was 3 hours away from Denver. Was it worth the drive for just one night? After pondering the question for maybe 30 seconds, we decided the answer was clearly “Yes!” Turns out we were right. Here’s Trudi and Michelle’s guaranteed 5-step recipe for a fun overnight trip to Steamboat Springs.

1. Skip the Campground

We hit the jackpot with this dispersed campspot

Roll into town without camping reservations. Go directly to the Steamboat Springs Chamber to inquire about camping options. Make sure the nice lady at the Chamber knows you’re looking for something as close as possible to Strawberry Park Natural Hot Springs, within walking distance even, as cocktail hour is approaching. Discover that all the campgrounds are full but dispersed camping is an option. Find the perfect spot in the Medicine Bow-Routt National Forest in a meadow of wildflowers surrounded by forest and with a fire pit. Set up camp and change into swimsuits.

Dispersed camping means free camping on public land outside of designated campgrounds. This is the way to go if you want more space, less noise, and lots of options. Usually it also means no facilities or toilets. That was not a problem for Trudi and me as we’re old pros at pooping in the woods.

2. Soak in Natural Hot Springs

Jump from pool to pool, temperature hopping

Drive ten minutes down a rutted road to the most beautiful, natural, remote hot springs you can imagine. Spend several hours soaking and relaxing, reaching a zen-like state of pure bliss. Explore all the pools which range in temperature from very hot to very cool. Strawberry Park Hot Springs is clothing optional after dark. Stick around for that scene if you like.

We took off before sunset, deciding wine and dinner by campfire was more our style than skinny dipping with strangers.

3. Bring Box Wine

Got our wine, feeling fine

Bring a box of wine and plastic wine glasses so you don’t have to worry about using bottle openers and breaking glass. Pour the first glass of wine of the evening while watching the sunset and the moon, just past new, rise. Don’t concern yourself when inexplicably, you and your camping companion both spill glasses of wine several times throughout the night. That’s why you bring a whole box.

See that picture of me and Trudi? I had just started my blog website and was obsessed with taking pictures that looked unposed. I set up my tripod and the camera timer over and over, trying to get these candid shots. Trudi was a good sport about all that. Big thanks to her for not strangling me.

4. Make Dinner Ahead of Time

Look at that yummy goodness

Cook delicious foil-wrapped dinners of chicken sausage, yellow bell peppers, and potatoes over the fire. Rest assured that there is no finer meal. When you’re finished, kick back with wine and the smell of campfire in the air and stare at the stunning display of stars in the clear night sky.

As we were winding down the night, we could hear people down the road cranking up their music. We thought we wouldn’t be able to sleep with all that racket. But as soon as we crawled into our tents, we both slept until well past dawn. I think they were playing something by an 80s hair band, most likely Twisted Sister or Winger.

5. Wrap Up With a Morning Hike

Trudi on the trail

Wake up at a leisurely hour and marvel again at the perfection of your campsite. Enjoy a campfire breakfast of coffee and foil-wrapped eggs, bacon, potatoes, kale, and tomatoes. Break camp and go for a hike on Panorama Trail before heading back to Denver.

Do we have to go?

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